Friday, May 29, 2015

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

A week ago, Rocketman took a day off of work and we visited the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. We have lived in the Twin Cities for almost 35 years and it was one of many places we had never been to. I want to do more watercolor painting using photos of flowers for inspiration and Rocketman wanted to practice his camera skills and so the arboretum is a perfect place to do both. Here are some of the pictures I took:

                                     We found this beautiful quilt in the Visitor's Center.


There were also special Lego sculptures scattered throughout the arboretum by Sean Kenney.




So many beautiful tulips. The last time I saw this many in one place was when I went to Holland, Michigan for the tulip festival as a little girl.


        Rocketman taking his pictures. I was surprised how many men we saw doing the same thing.  

                        They even had a Japanese garden. The following photos are from that area.


                                              I couldn't believe they had a weed garden:)
 After the arboretum, we went to Pizza Lola in Minneapolis for lunch. We had the Lady ZaZa which was on Diner's, Drive-ins and Dives and it was fabulous. It had Korean kimchi on it. We will definitely be going back again.
We found these morning doves on our deck one day which happens from time to time but this time one decided to lay an egg. It was the strangest thing and they and the egg disappeared as quickly as they came. We are not sure what happened.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

35 Years! May 24, 1980 - May 24, 2015

Thirty-five years! I still can't wrap my head around it. The years truly have flown by and we have had so many adventures all over the world. It started out with just the two of us and then came two great kids, three beautiful grandchildren (and one on the way!) and numerous pets over the years. This photo is during our reception at the Salvation Army Temple Corps. I look at that photo and first think, we were so young and then I look at that hat and think, what were you thinking, Becky. But I did love that hat at the time.

 I was given a bridal shower by my church and I had forgotten about this little bottle until I found it hidden in a cabinet a few months ago. I had never opened it but I thought our 35 year anniversary was the perfect time.
   Everyone attending the shower was asked to write something to help me get through rough times.
I poured them out on the kitchen table and opened each one. I took a picture of each thought and the name behind the words when provided. A few of these lovely ladies are no longer with us but I will always have their words of wisdom written especially for me.
1. Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct Thy ways - Lorraine Larson
2. Start your days with God - TP (no idea who this is)
3. Every Good Gift and every Perfect Gift comes from above.
4. Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths - Catherine Neilson
5. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths - Gunilla Bergman
6. Let your honeymoon last forever.
7. Trust in the Lord with All Thine Heart.
8. Don't be afraid to say I am sorry!
9. Take the Lord with you and he will go with you. Jeremiah 33:3
10. Keep smiling! God Bless!!! Cousin Tina Carlson
11. to my dear sister, you are the luckiest girl in the world to get a catch like that - Heige (Heidi Seyller)
12. Read the Love Chapter. LOVE SUFFERETH LONG and IS KIND - Vivian (my mom) Really mother!!! She always cracked me up.
13. Look to God first and He will direct your paths.
14. Always put God first in your life Psalms 91 - Brigadier Margaret Carlson
15. Love is patient. Be patient. - Shirley Nelson
16. If you have a fight, always make up before you go to bed. - Elsie Carlson
17. Love is kind. - Willa Mincemoyer
18. Be ye angry and sin not. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Ephesians 5:26
19. Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the light - Ardis Berg
20. Never go to bed when you are angry with each other.
21. Keep smiling!
22. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 5:13 - Inga Lindquest
23. Always be kind and gentle and a loving wife you will get many rewards.
24. In all ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path. "This really works" - Mrs. Major Alvin Nelson
25. Jeremiah 33:3 God bless you always! - Linnea Lundstrom
26. God is love - Bibi Sorhage
27. It takes 2 to have an argument!
28. What did you open this for. You're not depressed, are you? Count your blessing! - Becky Strang
29. In all Thy ways acknowledge Him - Pearl Palmer.
30. Go Back to Bed
 31. Psalms 25:9 - The meek will he guide in judgment and the meek will he teach his way. - Furleene Covington
32. And the peach of God which possesses all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus - Doris Sjogren
33. Well, I don't know what to say except he should have a (not sure what it says) - your maid of honor Lisa Cook.
34. Just remember: Life is a Bowl of Cherries - Judy Larson
35. Count the happy moments only - Lezzie Sorhage
36. It's more blessed to give than to receive Acts. 20:35
I had so much fun reading all these special messages for me. After I documented each one, I rolled them up and placed them back into their capsule and into my prescription bottle. I will put it in a special place so I will always know where they are. I feel so blessed to have had these amazing women in my life.
Rocketman and I spent Saturday night in a bed and breakfast to celebrate our 35th. I am actually typing this post Thursday night before the holiday weekend. He is taking Friday off and we will explore the Arboretum in Minneapolis, a first for us. We'll have cameras posed to take some beautiful photos which I hope to use in my watercolor paintings.
I want to thank my husband for the best 35 years and I look forward to 35 more at least. I love you very much my Rocketman and can't wait to see what the future holds for us.