A couple of weekends ago, I took a drive up the North Shore to Two Harbors, Minnesota where I spent the weekend with some amazing people learning Karuna Reiki. We stayed in a cabin right on Lake Superior. I had a wonderful time and I'm so glad I went. I almost didn't go because of the awful cold I had and also because of Rocketman.
The Friday I left happened to also be the same day that Rocketman was getting his stent removed from his kidney stone surgery and even though this was his third time, I was still worried about leaving him in case of complications. He came home right after the doctor appointment and was in a lot of pain. He had some oxycodone to take for the pain and he needed to take one. He insisted that I still go and he would be fine. I found out later that he was in extreme pain on and off the entire weekend. But he is fine now.
The boulders of Lake Superior is where we received our attunements for Karuna Reiki. It really was a magical place.
This is another view from the rocks. It is so beautiful on the North Shore.
We even found this thistle near the cabin we were staying at. I did have my first cold shower and I do not recommend it. Due to a miscommunication, the hot water heater was not turned on until Sunday so there were several of us that had cold showers. I never washed my hair so fast. It was freezing!
I returned home with my new certificate and lots of memories. I made some new friends and reconnected with some old. It was just what the doctor ordered.
We also visited a rock store where I bought this Larimer bracelet as a souvenir of this weekend.
I also was able to finish this huge kingsize quilt for my niece, Madison who will be getting married sometime next year. I'm the only quilter in the family so I never know when the need for quilt will come up. This year was a big year with our son getting married, then expecting a baby and our niece getting engaged.
Rocketman found this little guy on our deck the other day. A sure sign that winter is not far off.