Sunday, August 9, 2009


I wanted to share a recent email I received from someone who had found my Korean blog,
Dear Becky,

I just wanted to let you know that I spent a few hours last night reading your blog. I am Korean, but when I was 3, my mother married an American. I haven't been to Korea since 1982, when I was 8. I have few, but fond memories of an old, pre-Olympic Korea.

Although my mother still spoke Korean and made Korean dishes, I am essentially American in all aspects. I'm what you call a "Twinkie." Asian on the outside, White on the inside.

I have found your blog fascinating. It brought me to tears at times, remembering and envying. I laughed thinking that my mother did almost all the basic Korean stuff-dressing too fancy for casual things (when we went to Disneyland, we were dressed in our Sunday clothes!), being feisty yet demure.

Anyway. Thank you for writing. I don't think I could ever convince my husband to move to Korea, but your blog definitely made my heart ache for it.

When I started my Korean blog, it was with the intention to keep everyone back home informed on our adventures and as a personal diary for me to look back on when memories fade. I never imagined my blog would impact people all over the world but that's exactly what happened. Even though my Korean blog is no longer active, I still get emails from people who someone stumbled upon it.
I even received an email from a Hollywood screen writer with questions about the Korean culture. They were looking at remaking one of the popular Korean dramas. Many of the emails are from Korean Americans wishing to learn about their culture. It's a wonderful feeling to share what I learned while living in South Korea.


  1. Oh I love the bookmark, Becky!

    How wonderful to receive the emails (and inquiries) you are getting! It makes it just that much extra worthwhile to spend time on the blogs. Thanks for sharing!

    And you make sure you get royalties if you answer questions from the Hollywood people :)


  2. Molly: It' so good to hear from you.
