Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Messy Eater

We had a visitor on our deck the other morning and he left quite a mess. It is Fall here in Minnesota although this last week has been more like summer. Temperatures have been in the 80's with humidity. The air conditioner hasn't run much this summer but we've had in on the past few days.

Our apartment in South Korea did not have central air so we had wall units in the bedrooms and a floor unit in our living room. We ran them all the time due to the summer heat and humidity. It would have been nice to open the windows once in a while but our apartment faced a busy street and there was always lots of car honking going on. The buses honk so much that they have a fader on the horn so the longer they press the horn the quieter it becomes. It was still annoying.

I revisited one of my old maedeup knots this week. I hadn't done a gajibangseok maedeup (eggplant) knot for a long time. I had forgotten all the steps but luckily I have video of Su-Mi, my Korean maedeup teacher, completing each knot just in case I forgot.
This is a gajibangseok maedeup with ears just to make it a little more complicated. It is a wonderful knot to show off a favorite pendant. I'm working on some Christmas presents that will use this knot. Making gifts is a great way to practice maedeup and it's never too early to think about Christmas.

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