Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Summer of Bojagi (Korean Quilting)

You may think I hadn't been posting much since it was summer and I must have been busy enjoying the sun. Nope, it's bojagi that has literary consumed my every moment since June. I've been stitching like a crazy woman!

Remember the bojagi fabric I bought during our April trip to South Korea? I saw these colors and knew I wanted to make new drapes for our bedroom.
This was my kitchen countertop from June until now. It's become my bojagi station where I measure, cut and baste the fabric pieces.
Just this week, I finally am at the point where I am stitching to final pieces together. It's been a long, long journey but this got me really excited. This has all been handstitched, no machining. I did run out of the light purple and KJ, my bojagi teacher, sent me some more.
Louie LOVED to sleep under my bojagi pieces. I really didn't want him there because I didn't want cat hair on the fabric but he just looked too cute and it was so cute watching how he managed to crawl under the fabric without disturbing it. He's quite talented, our three-legged cat.
There are days when I really, really miss Korea and on one of those days I was babysitting the grandkids. Little Ez got upset with me and did the Korean squat. It made me think of Korea and how much I want to show it to him someday. He's a pretty good squatter, much better than his Grandpa and Grandma. Bojagi is calling so I better go.


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