Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Week with Noah, Ezra and Our Newest Grandson, Judah!

I was on pins and needles the last week two weeks of February waiting for the call that Laura, our daughter, was in labor. She was due March 4th but I really thought it would be a February baby especially since she went early with her two previous pregnancies. I was right!
I got a call from her Monday night, February 24th, that she felt she was in active labor. She never had consistent contractions but she was pretty sure. I packed the last minute things and Rocketman loaded my car and off I went. She lives about an hour from me and, luckily, it wasn't snowing or rush hour.
I arrived in plenty of time and they went to the hospital around 10pm. Judah Corwin Anderson was born 5:16am on February 25, 2014. Daddy Brent came and picked me up with the boys to visit after Noah came home from school. They were so excited to meet their little brother.

Ezra had a great time as you can see.
                                  Rocketman drove over after work and joined us for the fun.
We left baby and Mama and went out to eat and then home to get the boys into bed.
                                  Judah and Mama came home a day later in -20F temperatures.
                                           Noah was definitely smitten with his little brother.
                                                 Ezra liked being the big brother.
I stayed a week to help out and the boys were so good. I never got tired of hearing Noah telling me how much he loved me and that I was the best Grandma in the world. This is Ezra's look when I told him it was naptime.
 Judah changed so much just in the week I was there. He is also such a good baby. Sleeps and eats great.
            I took the kid's stuffed animals and did this to surprise them. Noah sleeps on the upper bunk.
             I took these pictures of Noah coming home from school in -20 degrees temperatures.
         Yes, he took his sweet time getting home while I watched from the window freaking out.
                           It was 20 below zero!!!!  He should be running all the way.
                   When it was bedtime, look who thought he was a stuffed animal, Finnegan.
                                                  Ezra loved the stuffed animals!
             Here's my baby girl with her baby boy. She is such a good momma. I'm so proud of her.
                             She sent me home with these eggs from their chickens.
I came home to this, my favorite candy bar in the shape of a heart along with a beautiful plant and a sign. He said he didn't want to buy so many Reese's but that's how many it took to make a heart. I'm sure they will get eaten:)
                 Rocketman said that Louie just wasn't himself all week. I guess he missed me too.


  1. So she was in labor a day and a half??? OH MY!!! Poor Laura!

    I just love the reese's heart... RM is an engineer through and through!!

    Congrats G'ma!

  2. Oops, got the date wrong. Feb. 25th. and she was only in labor something like 8 hours.

  3. Whew!!!! Judah is so cute. I couldn't agree w/ RM more... they make nice boys!! xoxoxo

  4. Congratulations on the birth of you new grandchild and thankyou so much for the link to the hanji blog.
    Unfortunately my project wasn't shown but another one I bought was there.

    Wow - what a coincidence .. not only do we gave connections to Korea but a good friend parents live in Minnesota. I heard it's been a full on winter there this year. When Charlie & Ruth were there last time the winter was mild because they built a shed in his dad's backyard.

    Cheers Keryn

    I might have my daughter in law visit a couple of shops in Seoul with photos of the kit to see if she can find the instructions.
