Polymer Clay Daisy Frame
by Becky Meverden
Polymer clay: white, yellow, green, purple, magenta, turquoise, ultra blue, orange and black
Chartreuse: Mix a ¾” ball of green with a 7/8” ball of yellow
Pasta machine or acrylic brayer
2 5”x7” pieces of plexiglass
2 ¾” binder clips
24 ga. Fun Wire – blueberry
Wire cutters
9/16”, 11/16”, 13/16” Kemper leaf cutters
5/16” Kemper circle cutter
Round toothpick
E6000 glue
8 ½” x 11” piece of paper
1. Frame template: Take one of the pieces of plexiglass and use a pencil to trace the frame onto a piece of paper.
2. Daisies: Flatten a sheet of white through the pasta machine at a #4 setting (3/64). Use the 9/16” teardrop cutter to cut out seven petals. Curl the narrowest ends slightly and press the seven petals together. Roll a 7/32” yellow ball into a 1 1/8” long, tapered to a tip log. Starting at the narrowest end, roll into a lollipop and press onto the center of the flower. Make 28 flowers. Center the flowers onto the template overlapping slightly. It will be 7 flowers across and 9 down. Set the frame aside.
3. Worm: Roll four 5/8” chartreuse balls. Flatten three 3/8” purple balls. Eyes: Flatten two 1/8” white balls into teardrops. Press narrowest ends together slightly and press onto one of the chartreuse balls. Roll two 1/16” black balls and press onto eyes. Eyebrows: Use a toothpick to indent above each eye. Nose: Roll a 5/32”purple ball into an oval and press onto head. Mouth: Use a circle cutter to indent the mouth.
4. Spots: Roll 1/16” magenta balls and press randomly all over the green balls including the head.
5. Assemble the worm in the following order: head, flattened ultra marine ball, chartreuse ball and so on. Press the worm onto the upper right corner of the frame.
6. Butterfly: Roll a 5/8”turquoise ball into a 1-½” long tapered log rounding the widest end. Use a toothpick to indent lines around the log, leaving about ½” from the widest end. Eyes: Flatten two 3/32” white balls into teardrops. Press narrowest ends together slightly and press onto the body. Roll two 1/16” black balls and press onto eyes. Nose: Roll a 3/32”yellow ball into an oval and press onto head. Mouth: Use a circle cutter or toothpick to indent. Antennas: Use wire cutters too cut two 4” lengths of blue wire and wrap each one around a paintbrush to coil. Press into the top of the head. Roll two 9/32” orange balls and press onto the top of each antenna.
7. Wings: Flatten a sheet of magenta through the pasta machine at a #3 setting (1/16”). Use a 13/16” teardrop cutter to cut out two upper wings and use a 11/16” teardrop cutter to cut out two lower wings. Press the wings together. Spots: Roll 1/16” orange balls and press randomly all over the wings. Roll a 3/32” diameter log of yellow and wrap the edge of the upper wings and around the outside edge of the lower wings. Press the body onto the center of the wings.
8. Press the butterfly onto the lower left corner of the frame. Bake and let cool.
9. Take the two pieces of plexiglass and place the picture between them. Take a binder clip and clamp the bottom center. With your fingers, remove the metal paper clip hinge from both sides of the frame. Place a binder clip on the opposite end of the two binder clips and in the center. Flip the metal paper clip like hinge and this will be your hanger. Put a line of glue around the entire frame, about ½” from the sides. Press the flower frame onto the plexiglass and let dry.
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