Take a piece of scrap cording (I usually use 2mm cording but 1.5 is fine too) and build the garakji maedeup around the cording. Tighten to the cording which will leave a hole on each end when you cut them apart. I usually do a row of them like you see above. Cut them apart and place a drop of white glue to keep from fraying.
I then use my loop turner to add the garakji to my project.
Poor Rocketman! I went back to my doctor today because although my elbow is feeling better, it is still causing me a lot of pain. He took more x-rays and confirmed that it is still fractured but is starting to heal. He said it could take up to 6 months to be back to normal and to keep it in a sling and to continue taking it easy. Rocketman has been doing the ironing and cleaning of the house. I do the dusting but with my left hand, it takes me forever. Grocery shopping has been a nightmare but I've gone to going more often and buying less each time. Sweet Rocketman has not complained once and is just worried that I am doing too much.
It's not that I don't use it, but it gets really sore. The doctor sent me home with more painkillers to take as needed. It's so hard to not be able to use my dominant (right) arm. It's been a month now and we'll just take each day as it comes. It is getting better, I just wish it was faster.
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