Thursday, March 31, 2016

South Korea Vacation Part 21 - Busan, South Korea

We happened upon this burial site during our visit in Busan. Our friend, Hannah, said it was the site of a famous cult leader.
                                                                  This is his church.
                                         When you see this, you know galbi is coming soon.
This restaurant also had a charging station for your smart phone. I had never seen anything like this in the states but I though it was a great idea.
This photo is just another view of the love motel we stayed in. The covered car port is always a big clue that it's a love motel.
                                                           A delicious breakfast with Hellena.
This corn was very similar to our Mexican corn. I was a little scared because I find Korean corn impossible to eat but this corn was very similar to our sweet corn.
     I found this bathroom sign in the same restaurant hilarious and no, I didn't find a squat toilet.
                                                      Busan has a beautiful coastline.
These tiny islands had fisherman on them with boats going from island to island picking up and dropping off.
                                                     This guy was on one of the islands.
                                         We found families picnicking on the rocks.
                                         Some of the freshest seafood can be found in Busan.


                                  I would have loved to see what kind of fish these people caught.
                                                                 Rocketman in action.
     We even saw a kitty. The next place we visited, we ran into a lot of kitties. More in the next post.

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